Corps Castle - Item restricted to USACE only
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Communities of Practice
 Black Dot Image USACE CoPs
  Black Dot Image Operations & Regulatory
Asset Management
Inland Navigation Infrastructure
Natural Resources Management
Operations Project Managers
  Black Dot Image Civil Works Environment
  Black Dot Image Civil Works Flood Risk Management

Business Processes
 Black Dot Image Headquarters
 Black Dot Image Acquisition
 Black Dot Image Administration
 Black Dot Image Budget
 Black Dot Image Communication & Marketing
 Black Dot Image Environment
 Black Dot Image Financial Management
 Black Dot Image Human Resources
 Black Dot Image PMP & PgMP
 Black Dot Image Policy & Procedures
 Black Dot Image Programs & Partnerships
 Black Dot Image Related Sites
 Black Dot Image Research & Development
 Black Dot Image Safety, Security & Risk Management
 Black Dot Image Teams
 Black Dot Image Tools/AIS

Asset Management Notes

Welcome to the Asset Management Business Line

The Corps' Asset Management program focuses on the reality that operations and maintenance requirements for managing aging infrastructure will continue to grow more than authorization of new capital investments. Smart, long-term planning strategies to extend the useful life of this infrastructure must be pursued with rigor so that limited funds are wisely invested. Critical to a successful, adaptive asset management strategy is the establishment of the asset's condition and functional reliability along with the risks and consequences of poor performance or failure. Risk must be properly quantified and communicated to Congress and the public to ensure our nation's critical infrastructure does not fail.


Quick Links
Asset Management SharePoint Site  Corps Castle
FEM Webinars  Corps Castle

Contacts  Corps Castle
Team Members

 Corps Castle Item is restricted to U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, CAC required. Document will open in a new window.

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Line Divider Engineer Research and Development Center Line Divider Environmental Lab
Non-Gateway Issues
Privacy and Security Notice
Updated: July 2024
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