The Flood Risk Management (FRM), formerly Flood and Coastal Storm Damage Reduction (FCSDR), is published quarterly and is intended to be a primary communication tool for the entire FRM community. Each issue of the FRM Newsletter is announced through an automatically distributed email. For subscription details, email Anyone (private firms, Corps of Engineer personnel and other US Government agencies) with interest in the Flood Risk Management business line may subscribe.
The newsletter covers all aspects of FRM, including geotechnology; hydrology; hydraulics; coastal engineering; ice engineering; material science; mechanical engineering; planning and policy; and research and development. Each issue highlights a specific MSC/R&D/national interest. The newsletter will be of interest and use to those in the following business areas: water allocation; shore protection; emergency response; planning; dam safety; levee safety; ecosystems; and recreation.
To submit articles or information for inclusion in this newsletter, contact Stephanie Bray,
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