Library Resources - How Do I
…Find a book?
Many libraries have an internet accessible online catalog. If you are looking for material pertaining to a specific geographic area, its best to search the online catalogs of libraries located in or near that geographic area. If you have difficulty finding an online catalog, ask you local library for assistance.
…Borrow a book, report, etc. from a Corps library?
First you must identify the material you wish to borrow. Then go to your local library and request the material via interlibrary loan. Your library will do the rest! Please note that most libraries will not loan directly to an individual. The loan is from library to library. You may also want to inquire about costs. Many public and college libraries charge fees for loaning materials.
…Know what Corps libraries are in my area?
Not all Corps Districts and Divisions have a library. This link will take you to Corps Districts and Divisions in your area. If an office has a Library, it may be accessible from the District or Division web page.